First off, a huge congratulations to everyone for WINNING THE 2020 RUGBY QUEBEC STRAVA CUP CHALLENGE!! As I had said earlier this summer, we are and always have been together even when we are apart! That is how we WIN ONECLUB! Well done.
Second, there will be NO club training for the next two weeks. The Return to Rugby (R2R) Task Force met again last night to discuss our potential return and feel that it is important to be cautious as the trends in COVID-19 cases are currently moving in an upward direction. It has always been our priority to keep our members safe, and we feel that even with the measures we have in place to prevent the spread at practice, it is near impossible to control for all aspects or anticipate all possibilities. Considering the current upward trend we have decided to suspend practices for another two weeks because the risk is simply too high.
Your coaches will be in touch with you shortly to provide training that you can do on your own or in small groups. Also, stay tuned for new and fun challenges that we will be running as a club!
As we have done from the beginning, we WILL still stick together through this pandemic and come out even stronger #oneclub! If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at sabrfc.president@gmail.com
Sincerely, Sommer Christie, SABRFC president and the SABRFC Return 2 Rugby Task Force sabrfc.president@gmail.com
Further information and COVID-19 related resources
As always, we highly recommend respecting the health guidelines of 2 meters of physical distance, wearing masks, washing your hands frequently and following good respiratory hygiene practices (e.g., cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing (elbow, upper arm or disposable paper tissue). Furthermore:
IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS or have potentially been in contact with a confirmed case
Call the coronavirus hotline (1-877-644-4545) to be directed to the appropriate resources.
Contact the SABRFC COVID managers, Sommer Christie and Dr. Roy Dudley, to update us on your current status.
Dr. Roy Dudley dudleyrwr@gmail.com
Sommer Christie sabrfc.president@gmail.com
Symptoms include:
onset or worsening of a cough
difficulty breathing
extreme fatigue
sudden loss of sense of smell without nasal congestion, with or without loss of taste
sore throat
muscular pain
major loss of appetite
Other helpful resources