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Writer's picture: Sommer ChristieSommer Christie

Hello ONECLUB, We have been made aware of a positive COVID-19 case at Annies bar in Ste. Anne de Bellevue. Seeing as this is very close to home for most of us and that there is a high chance that some of our members have been to Annies or have been in contact with other teammates who have been there, we are suspending practice until further notice. We aim to restart practices as soon as we have more information and can be sure that we are safe. In the meantime, if you have been to Annies recently or have been in contact with others who have been to Annies please do the following:



  2. Call the coronavirus hotline (1-877-644-4545) to be directed to the appropriate resources.

  3. Wash your hands frequently and follow good respiratory hygiene practices (e.g., cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing (elbow, upper arm or disposable paper tissue).

  4. Contact the SABRFC COVID managers, Sommer Christie and Dr. Roy Dudley, to update us on your current status.

Dr. Roy Dudley 438-495-0201

Sommer Christie 438-889-1899

IF YOU DON’T HAVE SYMPTOMS but have potentially been in contact with a confirmed case (i.e., been to Annies or have been with someone who has been to Annies).

  1. SELF-ISOLATE for 14 days: Symptoms develop on average from 5 to 7 days after contamination, but may appear over a 2 to 12 day period of time. Some people with no apparent symptoms or whose symptoms have not yet developed may unknowingly spread the virus therefore at least 14 days of isolation is recommended (Government of Quebec).

  2. Continuously monitor your symptoms and call the coronavirus hotline if you have concerns.

  3. More detailed information can be found here

Symptoms include: - onset or worsening of a cough

- difficulty breathing

- fever

- extreme fatigue

- sudden loss of sense of smell without nasal congestion, with or without loss of taste

- sore throat

- headache

- muscular pain

- major loss of appetite

- diarrhea

Please note that we have chosen to suspend practice in the best interest of our members health and safety. Postponing practice is a protective measure against the potential spread of the disease and we currently do not have any confirmed cases within our membership. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at Sincerely, Sommer Christie, SABRFC president and the SABRFC Return 2 Rugby Task Force


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