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Writer's picture: Sommer ChristieSommer Christie


There will be NO touch this week. With the rise in COVID cases and the shift to a level 3 alert (orange) the R2R task force has decided to cancel touch until further notice. Although it is not entirely clear what this alert means for contact sport at this time, we acknowledge our role in keeping our members and the greater community safe.

The reality is that we first started and have cancelled practices when the cases were lower than they are now. Although we would all love to be on the pitch, trust me it is the highlight of my week, postponing practice is a protective measure and an important action that prioritizes schools, healthcare, hospitals etc. over us. I know we will miss it and if all goes well we hope to start up again as soon as possible.

You may have also heard about Rugby Quebec’s announcement of a Senior Rugby X league starting Oct 1st. Rugby X is a significantly modified version of rugby with limited participants, no scrums, mauls or uncontested rucks. If the league can go ahead (depending on alert levels) we have decided not to participate as a club. This decision is extremely difficult but is based on the current situation, the time necessary to prepare athletes for contact and the limited amount of time we have before snow. If you would like further information on our decision please feel free to reach out to me directly at

The R2R task force will meet weekly to discuss potential return to touch and you will be informed at every step.

Thank you all for making this “season” fun and for being great humans.

Sincerely, Sommer Christie, SABRFC president

& the SABRFC Return 2 Rugby Task Force


As always, we highly recommend respecting the health guidelines of social distance, wearing masks, washing your hands frequently and following good respiratory hygiene practices (e.g., cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing (elbow, upper arm or disposable paper tissue). Furthermore:



  2. Call the coronavirus hotline (1-877-644-4545) to be directed to the appropriate resources.

  3. Contact the SABRFC COVID managers, Sommer Christie and Dr. Roy Dudley, to update us on your current status.

Dr. Roy Dudley

IF YOU DON’T HAVE SYMPTOMS but have potentially been in contact with a confirmed case

  1. SELF-ISOLATE for 14 days: Symptoms develop on average from 5 to 7 days after contamination, but may appear over a 2 to 12 day period of time. Some people with no apparent symptoms or whose symptoms have not yet developed may unknowingly spread the virus therefore at least 14 days of isolation is recommended (Government of Quebec).

  2. Continuously monitor your symptoms and call the coronavirus hotline if you have concerns.

  3. More detailed information can be found here

Symptoms include: - onset or worsening of a cough

- difficulty breathing

- fever

- extreme fatigue

- sudden loss of sense of smell without nasal congestion, with or without loss of taste

- sore throat

- headache

- muscular pain

- major loss of appetite

- diarrhea


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